Club Sponsors
Ormond Physiotherapy
We are excited to announce that Ormond Physiotherapy has partnered with Ormond Netball Club through their Community Sponsorship Program. As part of the program all Ormond players, coaches and assistant coaches will receive:
Priority appointments for their clinic services.
Physiotherapy, sports massage therapy, sports orthotic assessments and sports screening assessments.
Sports club rates for physiotherapy and sports massages – 25% discount.
Weekly newsletters and injury articles including injury management and prevention.
Access to pilates sessions for strength and core conditioning.
Specialised information sessions for the club during the season.
Regular updates to coaches and team managers regarding injuries to players during the season.
Ormond Physiotherapy is located at 481 North Road, Ormond VIC 3204. Don't forget to mention that you're part of Ormond Netball Club when you book your appointment!
Phone: 03 9578 6588